PeaZip is a free archiver
and file
manager utility,
based on solid and proven
Open Source technology of 7-Zip
and other great Open Source
tools (like FreeARC, PAQ, UPX...) for
supporting additional file formats and features, in order to provide an
purpose zip utility featuring a powerful unified GUI that, unlike most
of other classic file archivers like
i.e. WinZip and WinRar, is natively portable
and cross-platform , being
available for computers or tablets running 32
bit and 64
bit Windows (9x, NT/2K/XP, Vista/7/8/10, ReactOS, Wine), Linux or BSD
x86 and x86-64 (desktop
application, supports Gnome, KDE and other desktop environments).
PeaZip is Free Software, under Open Source
license LGPLv3 , and it is
of charge for any use
(personal and professional, business or governament), modification, and
distribution, without "expiration date" or "trial" limitations.
(read/write) support
sfx (7z and arc), Brotli br,
bz2, gz, paq/lpaq/zpaq, pea,
quad/balz/bcm, rar (if Rar.exe is available on the system), split, tar,
upx, wim, zip / zipx, Zstandard zst
encryption standards
7Z: 7-Zip AES256 encryption
ZIP: WinZip AES256 AE, and ZipCrypto for legacy
compatibility; can decrypt PKZip's
AES encryption
RAR, if Rar.exe is available in the system: RAR4 EAS128, RAR5 AES256
ARC: FreeARC AES256, Blowfish,
Twofish256 and
EAX authenticated encryption
Android's apk,
Google's Brotli br, bz, bz2,
bzip2, tbz2, tbz, Facebook's Zstandard zst and tzst, gz, gzip, tgz,
tpz, tar, zip, zipx, z01,
arj, cab,
chm, chi, chq, chw, hxs, hxi, hxr, hxq, hxw, lit, cpio, deb, lzh, lha, rar (and most recent rar 5
revision), r01, 00, rpm, z, taz, tz, iso,
Java (jar, ear,
war), pet, pup, pak, pk3, pk4, slp, [Content], xpi, wim, u3p,
lzma86, lzma, udf, xar, Apple's dmg, hfs, part1, split, swm, tpz, kmz,
xz, txz,
vhd, mslz, apm, mbr, fat, ntfs, exe, dll, sys, msi, msp, Open Office /
Libre Office (ods, ots, odm,
oth, oxt, odb, odf, odg, otg, odp, otp, odt, ott), gnm, Microsoft
Office (doc, dot, xls,
xlt, ppt, pps, pot, docx, dotx, xlsx, xltx), Flash (swf, flv), quad,
balz, bcm, zpaq,
paq8f, paq8jd, paq8l, paq8o, lpaq1, lpaq5, lpaq8, ace through separate unace plugin
(closed source) available on PeaZip
add-ons page, arc, wrc, 001,
pea, cbz, cbr, cba, cb7,
cbt (and more...) |
FreeArc's arc/wrc
RAR, if Rar.exe is available in the system
PeaZip can also be used to try to open any arbitrary file extension
with "Open as archive" menu
entry, as many file formats are simply variants of archive formats
(especially of zip standard).
Even more file structures (forensic file types, WavPack compressed
files, etc) can be parsed extending PeaZip capabilities via standard 7-Zip
Codecs, copying extra codecs to PeaZip's folder in res\7z\Codecs
In example a large family of codecs (compatible with PeaZip and 7-Zip)
is available here -
please note TC4Shell codecs are free but closed source, so they can be
freely downloaded and installed by end users but they cannot be
distributed within PeaZip packages.
PeaZip is localized over than 30 languages and is capable of handling
all most popular archive
formats (200+ file types), supporting a wide array of advanced file and
archive management features (search, bookmarks, thumbnail viewer, find duplicate files and
compute hash/checksum value, add, update and edit files inside existing archives,
archive files...),
especially focused
on security (strong file encryption,
factor authentication, encrypted
password manager, secure file deletion...).
The distinctive trait of PeaZip is the innovative and easy to use
compression/extraction interface, more similar to CD burners interfaces
rather than to a classic file compressor. This design makes extremely
simple to check (and update) items set for compression and extraction,
integrating a full featured file manager component.
Also, tasks created in the GUI can be easily saved as batch scripts, in
order to automate backup operations,
or for fine tuning, or for
learning purpose, bridging the gap between the ease of use of GUI
applications and power and flexibility of console.
PeaZip free file
archiver is
in many different languages,
click Options >
Localization to modify language of
the GUI. If you are willing to
contribute a translation please check
information Notes for translators below to know how to
Over networks, this
application can be
made available to multiple users,
either with a shared configuration or with separate configuration for
each user, see "Settings" and "Customization and
scripting" in the help file (F1), that also contain useful hints for
enhancing PeaZip's system integration
and use of PeaZip in scripts.
PeaZip is built to be fully modular, you can freely replace backend
executables in PeaZip/res directory with updated ones (as long as they
support the
same syntax) or with 64 bit
counterpart if available.
If the host system cannot or should not be modified it is recommended
to use PeaZip Portable, that
runs without installation and can be simply extracted in any path, even
on the
network or on
removable devices as USB memories.
ACE files is
possible installing a separate plugin (due to UNACE freeware but closed
nature) available
in Add-ons
Please note ACE support is NOT featured out of the box and requires
optional (an dnot recommended) manual installation of UNACE Plugin.
Because ACE format and closed source UNACE binary are no longer
actively maintained, hanlding ACE archives is no longer considered
secure, and UNACE components are not featured in standard PeaZip
packages to avoid ACE-related security issues.
Extraction of RAR / RAR5
files (created with WinRar using "rar5" option) is now natively
supported by PeaZip and UNRAR / UNRAR5 Plugin (based on RarLab's code)
is no
longer needed, but still available as alternative rar extraction engine.
PeaZip GUI is fully UTF-8
compliant since release 2.2.0, and internal filename handling functions
can work with UTF-8 filenames since release 3.0.1 in Linux, and since
release 5.8.0 in Microsoft Windows.
For more information check UTF-8 support
status in Lazarus/FreePascal and PeaZip
sources comments.
drag and drop
On MS Windows systems PeaZip uses a custom drag and drop
extraction (from application to system) that doesn’t need
to copy files being dragged to system’s temp folder before, resulting
in faster operation when big files are involved, and in better security
if temp folder has not the same desired security policies of actual
output folder.
archive type
Such a list can be all but complete, however: when I designed PEA
archive format I was less experienced and I basically didn't take
account the need to browse the archive or to partially extract objects;
just to create and extract it.
Since filenames are, by design, saved along file streams, there is not
an easy way to accomplish it without parsing the entire archive (which
can be a reasonable solution only for small archives) or without
changing format specifications breaking the compatibility with former
A workaround I may implement in future to allow archive browsing could
be creating an extra text filecontaining filenames, saved as first
archive's object; that will not introduce backward incompatibility
since previos PEA version could still correctly handle the new archives
(just having the list-file as extra content) and will be quite painless
introducing negligible space and speed payload, unless archiving many
small files.
This is just an hypothetical evaluation and there still is not a
roadmap about it. Anyway this is a PEA format related issue has no
impact on users using PeaZip to handle formats other than PEA.
You can find a stub of
cryptoanalisys of PEA archive format on PEA
online help (.pdf).
Analysis of impact of quantum computing on encryption methods employed
in PeaZip are available on Post-quantum computing
cryptography analysis page.
For tutorial, and for contacts, see Support (help)
For question&answers about common usage topics, see Frequently
Asked Questions

- Pack
The initial goal of the application was
a frontend for Pea archiver utility, implementing PEA archive format,
designed ground up by myself to primarily focus on security and
integrity: I wanted something performing strong authenticated
encryption and perform integrity checks on both input objects and
output volume(s). Pea offer those characteristics, and is open source
(LGPL) freeware; file format specifications are released under public
domain. I did a bit of cryptanalisys of it (see Documentation package);
I hope more authoritative people may analyze it further.
Most archivers offer strong encryption, but
bounded to password-only auhentication: Pea executable offers two
factor authentication to increase encryption's security margins against
password-related threats, like social engineering, dictionary attacks,
bruteforcing, keylogging...

I'm developing PeaZip project in FreePascal
language, under Lazarus IDE. I like Pascal-related languages and I
think Lazarus/FreePascal is one of the best cross-platform IDE
available; I like it even more because it is open source and because
it's growing day by day in a more mature and powerful IDE. I'll be glad
to bring a bit of developer's attention on Lazarus/FreePascal through
my project.

and compression
Designing PeaZip UI, I'm aiming to focus on
archive-specific tools, operations and needs rather than focusing on
offering a faithful emulation of a file browser, like many mainstream
archivers does. Saving lists of objects to be archived, saving
archiving/extraction job definitions and receiving detailed job log
after operations are primary goals of PeaZip UI. However, PeaZip's
system integration, if desired, allows the user to perform most common
operations (add to archive, extract here, encrypt, split file etc)
without even care of the main program UI.
7-Zip (and Myspace
p7zip POSIX port) : thanking Igor Pavlov 7z choice of
offering code licensed under LGPL I was able to easily add support to
mainstream archive and compression formats to PeaZip, transforming it
from a niche project (formerly named Pea-Peach) to a possibly wider
targeted software. I hope I can turn back to them part of the benefit
supporting .7z archive format, especially on Linux systems, offering a
ready to use solution to extract and archive in .7z format among
ARC: a new, very
promising archive format,
featuring powerful but efficient compression, strong encryption and
recovery records.
fast data compression algorithm backed by Google and made
available as single file compressor
one of the most promising
research project in the field of maximum compression is Matt Mahoney's
Many different implementation and branches exists, as command line
binaries and or integrated in archivers with GUI (like WinRK, WinUDA,
KGB Archiver etc). PeaZip act as GUI fronted to various *Paq, hoping to
to the diffusion of this high compression format and in bringing focus
on this
interesting research project.
QUAD/BALZ/BCM: Ilia Muraviev's very
promising single file compression software featuring high compression
ratio and fast decompression, making them very well suited in scenarios
were decompression occurs more often than compression (i.e. package
Strip/UPX: to provide a GUI frontend for Strip/UPX that comes to be
very handy for developers to reduce executables size.
fast data compression algorithm backed by Facebook and made
available as Zstd single file compressor
Two factor authentication: since version 2.1
PeaZip can use keyfiles for any supported format featuring encryption.
The SHA256 hash of the keyfile (no size limit) is encoded in Base64
(RFC 4648) and prepended to the password. So, it is possible to work on
archives encrypted in that way using PeaZip or any application
following the same convention, or simply entering the Base64-encoded
hash as the first part of the password. |
Synopsis: What is
PeaZip free file archiver utility. Notes for users,
translators, developers. Learn more about third party technologies
employed in PeaZip, and project's goals.
Topics: what is PeaZip,
how to install and uninstall, notes for users
PeaZip > Learn more:
what is PeaZip, how to install